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a perfectly geometric modular typeface

When I started this project, I tried to make the simplest font possible. The creative constraint of thirteen modules was tricky, although my personal goal was to make one in as few as I could. I almost completed the font in two modules, but ended up needing to add three special modules for s, z, f, and t. 

Software: Illustrator

Year: 2022

Project Category: Typography / Design

"minimo"- selected for the Juror's Bronze Award at the 2022 Best of Ringling Annual Juried Exhibition. The Department of Motion Design's guest Juror, Patrick Clair.

 A note from Patrick Clair:

"A typeface might feel like a strange pic out of a field of predominantly motion work, but I think Ava's gorgeous font here is a design triumph that highlights the importance of both composition and comprehension. Typography is an extremely delicate and complicated art - but one that all of us must gain an understanding of to produce good work. Creating a typeface that is readable AND graphically satisfying is devilishly hard - yet Minimo achieves that. What is even harder is to capture the personality of a font - making it not feel too silly or self-serious. Minimo is great on all points - I wish my student typographic experiments had been a fraction this sophisticated!"

Created by Ava Meller 2024          





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